V for Vendetta

Movie is based on a comic by Alan Moore. Its set in a make belive post apocaliptic world to be more precised London. ...


The movie is about a crew of humans going to a desolate planet in search for origins of man kind ...

The Dark Knight Rises

The third and the last part of Christopher Nolans , Batman trilogy is set 8 years after the even in the The Dark Knight. ...

Archive for November 2010

Wanna get shredded ?!

If so then the most important thing is U HAVE TO HIT THE GYM CONSISTENTLY.There cant be any excuses , if u want it u have to make time for it anything else does not matter.Any excuse your might come up with is only your subconcious bringing you down.
Ignore it ! and hit those weights like a beast

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Pure Motivation

Ok so im here today with this AMAZING video.Listen to it , it will be the best 4 minutes of this day with a doubt


 So ? What did i say :P

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Havent posted anything in a while , so instead of an article i post some awesome images while i get my mind back to bloging.

Hope u liked them , il add some more tommorow :)

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